
  • Graphic tile with the inscription "Perspective 2025?"

    Haushaltskürzungen 2025 - Stimmen und Statements in der Übersicht

    Mit dem Haushaltsentwurf 2025 sieht die Bundesrergierung massive Kürzungen für das kommende Jahr im Feld der Freien Künste vor.

  • Grafic: In the background rays with color gradient, on it the text: The art of staying many. Nationwide forums on art, freedom and democracy. Berlin, Leipzig, Düsseldorf, Bitterfeld-Wolfen, Berlin, Potsdam, Erfurt, Weimar, Dresden.

    THE ART OF STAYING MANY. Nationwide Forums for Art, Freedom and Democracy

    The Fonds Darstellende Künste is organizing forums at nine locations across Germany - with art, activities and debates.

  • Tile: Lettering 02. October 2024 Theaterpreis des Bundes, Haus der Berliner Festspiele and on www.fonds-daku.de black on a pink background.

    Theaterpreis des Bundes

    The Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM) is once again awarding the Federal Theater Prize in 2024.

  • Graphic with the inscription “Tabori Prize 2024”

    Tabori Preis 2024

    Save the Date: Award ceremony on October 02, 2024 as part of the Federal Theater Prize (Theaterpreis des Bundes)

Current application deadlines

  1. Production funding 02.09.2024
  2. Network funding 05.09.2024
  3. GLOBAL VILLAGE KIDS Rural 01.10.2024
  4. GLOBAL VILLAGE KIDS Digital 01.10.2024
  5. Revival funding 07.10.2024


  • Graphic tile with the inscription "Perspective 2025?"

    Haushaltskürzungen 2025 - Stimmen und Statements in der Übersicht

    Mit dem Haushaltsentwurf 2025 sieht die Bundesrergierung massive Kürzungen für das kommende Jahr im Feld der Freien Künste vor: die sechs Bundeskulturfonds sollen mit 50% ihrer Etats auskommen. Das Bündnis internationaler Produktionshäuser steht vor dem Aus.

  • Logo of the GLOBAL VILLAGE KIDS program

    Young people wanted to join the GLOBAL VILLAGE KIDS jury

    Are you aged between 16 and 22 and want to help decide which projects for children and young people should be supported? Together with adult experts from the field of independent performing arts, you decide which projects other young people can try out in the coming year.

  • Grafic: In the background rays with color gradient, on it the text: The art of staying many. Nationwide forums on art, freedom and democracy. Berlin, Leipzig, Düsseldorf, Bitterfeld-Wolfen, Berlin, Potsdam, Erfurt, Weimar, Dresden.


    The Fonds Darstellende Künste is organizing forums at nine locations across Germany - with art, events and debates. Starting in Berlin, the journey continues to Leipzig, Düsseldorf, Bitterfeld-Wolfen, Potsdam, Erfurt, Weimar and Dresden. The mobile theater truck stops everywhere and becomes a platform, a space for discourse, a cinema and a stage. The Art of staying many. Each for themselves - and together in heterogeneity, pluralism and acceptance of our diverse society.

  • A performer stands in a dark blue coat with a red fur hood on a green field. On her head, the person is wearing a kind of helmet with antlers from which strings of pearls hang. The eyes and nose are covered by a piece of glittering fabric that forms the visor of the helmet. © soilfilms Michael Weihrauch

    BLICKWECHSEL – Publika und Politiken der Darstellenden Künste

    In her latest documentary, Janina Möbius examines the relationship between audiences and artists against the backdrop of growing social challenges. The film premiered on May 25, 2025 as part of "THE ART OF STAYING MANY".

  • Tile: Lettering 02. October 2024 Theaterpreis des Bundes, Haus der Berliner Festspiele and on www.fonds-daku.de black on a pink background.

    Theaterpreis des Bundes 2024

    The Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM) is once again awarding the Federal Theater Prize in 2024. Theater institutions can now apply with their portfolio and innovative formats. The closing date for entries is 15.04.2024.

  • Graphic with the inscription “Tabori Prize 2024”

    The "CHICKS* case" at the WILDWECHSEL festival

    The "CHICKS* case" at the WILDWECHSEL festival affects us all. And we would like to emphasize: "Lecken" is supported by the Fonds Darstellende Künste ...

  • There are many people on a stage, all holding a stretched umbrella in their hands. On a projection surface in the background is written: Shield and Shine. © Alexandra Polina

    Shield & Shine

    150 cultural institutions are the first co-initiators of the "Shield & Shine" campaign of the VIELEN. Among them is the Fonds. DIE VIELEN are calling for discussions and demonstrations to shine more brightly for a pluralistic, democratic shaping of the world and to resolutely oppose right-wing extremism.

Latest blog posts

All Posts
  • Graphic tile with the inscription "Perspective 2025?"

    Perspective 2025?

    31 Jul 2024

    The federal government is cutting the funding of the Federal Cultural Fund by around 50% for the coming year. For the Performing Arts Fund, this means €5.6 million instead of €10.3 million. In a video statement, Holger Bergmann, Managing Director of the Fund, gives an outlook on the consequences for the independent performing arts and makes an appeal to the Federal Government and the Minister of State for Culture.

    (In German only)

  • A group of five darkly dressed people stand in the illuminated black stage space. Their posture seems tense, their bodies are sometimes hunched over, each of them supports their right arm stretched out in front with their left hand. © Joachim Dette

    Thuringia? Your problem!

    29 Jul 2024

    Artistic director Lizzy Timmers, actress Pina Bergemann and dramaturge Hannah Baumann talk to Christine Wahl about the impact of the Theaterpreis des Bundes, which they won last year, their meteoric last season at Theaterhaus Jena and how things will now – hopefully – continue.

  • Two dancers in tight, colorful costumes stand opposite each other. Their knees are bent, their arms stretched upwards. In the background, a dancer in a wheelchair lifts a dancer. The audience sits on chairs at the edge of the scene. © Tom Dachs

    A model project for Saxony

    23 Jul 2024

    Anne-Cathrin Lessel, director of Leipzig-based LOFFT, and FORWARD DANCE COMPANY artistic project manager Gustavo Fijalkow talk to Christine Wahl about three forms of participation that will be implemented with the money from the 2023 Theaterpreis des Bundes.

  • Sticker on a lamp post. In rainbow colors, it says in black letters: “Live in such a way that the AfD would object!” © Sebastian Bolesch

    "Neighborliness is democracy’s lowest common denominator"

    23 Jul 2024

    The Phoenix Theaterfestival is an open-air event that brings five guest performances to the Platz der Völkerfreundschaft in Erfurt which, when it comes to involving different audiences, represent a counter balance to the Domstufen-Festspielen. Because sometimes the theater has to come to the audience.

  • Tile with the inscription “Statement by the Federal Cultural Promotion Fund on the Federal Government's draft budget for 2025”

    Massive Kürzungen bei den Bundeskulturfonds zeugen von keiner konsistenten und nachhaltigen Förderung der freien Kunst- und Kulturszene

    19 Jul 2024

  • A man dressed in white is lying on his back on the floor of a studio. With outstretched arms, he reaches for the feet of a woman dressed in black, hanging from the ceiling by her hair. Her body is arched over, her arms outstretched. © Dave Grossmann

    "We have tons of great projects"

    16 Jul 2024

    Managing Director Hendrik Frobel, in-house dramaturge Geordie Bookman and artist duo Ana Jordao and Vincent Kollar in conversation with Christine Wahl about the residency program that Chamäleon Berlin is implementing with the prize money from the 2023 Theaterpreis.

About the Fonds

  • Photo with folders © Benjamin Krieg


    With its funding lines, the Fonds continues the specific support of the independent performing arts.

  • Photo of a phone lying on a desk. © Benjamin Krieg


    The Fonds Darstellende Künste not only supports projects, but is also a service and consulting partner for independent artists, collectives and institutions. The office advises interested parties and artists on aspects of the application process as well as on structural and organizational issues beyond the scope of its own funding programs.

  • Photo of a printed project schedule on a whiteboard. © Benjamin Krieg

    The Fonds Darstellende Künste

    For over 30 years, the Fonds Darstellende Künste has been one of the six federal cultural promotion funds supporting the art and cultural landscape of the Federal Republic of Germany, with a special focus on promoting the independent performing arts.

Upcoming events

All Archive

12.09.2024 | Info-Veranstaltung für Antragstellende | GLOBAL VILLAGE KIDS

12 September 2024, 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Format: Info-Veranstaltung




Fachkonferenz Treibstoff K: Kultur und Mobilität in ländlichen Räumen

19 September 2024, 09:30 AM - 04:30 PM

Format: Symposium

Leipzig | Villa Breiting | Theodor-Heuss-Straße 30

Überall auf dem Land entstehen neue Kulturangebote, die zu Horizonterweiterung, Kreativitätsgewinnen und Demokratiestärkung führen. Die Konferenz widmet sich jenen kreativen Lösungskonzepten und präsentiert übertragbare Beispiele aus der Praxis. Anhand von Vorträgen, Projektvorstellungen und kreativen Ideenlaboren veranschaulicht sie, wie mit unterschiedlichen Konzepten auf Mobilitätsprobleme in ländlichen Räumen reagiert werden kann und wie sich Kultur-Mobilität in ländlichen Räumen gestalten kann. Teilnehmende können spartenübergreifende Angebotsformate und Kooperationsnetzwerke kennenlernen und sich dazu austauschen.

Die Fachkonferenz ist eine Veranstaltung von PROQUA, findet mit Unterstützung des Fonds Darstellende Künste e. V. statt und lädt alle Akteur*innen mit einem Interesse an der Entwicklung Kultureller Bildung in ländlichen Räumen ein.

Anmeldung unter: https://proqua-kms.de/proqua-veranstaltung/fachkonferenz-leipzig-treibstoff-k//


05.03.2024 | Info-Veranstaltung für Antragstellende | Wiederaufnahmeförderung

23 September 2024, 01:30 PM - 03:00 PM

Format: Info-Veranstaltung


Das Team des Fonds Darstellende Künste stellt die Wiederaufnahmeförderung in einer öffentlichen Online-Informationsveranstaltung vor.
