Theaterpreis des Bundes 2024

For the sixth time, the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media is awarding the Theaterpreis des Bundes in 2024.

Once again this year, the Theaterpreis des Bundes is honoring venues that aren’t usually at the center of nation-wide public attention. The prize is a deserved recognition for all creative teams that provide space for an artistic approach to issues of our day. With this invitation to have encounters, dialogues and debates, they turn theaters into essential places for our democracy. It’s especially the small and mid-sized venues outside of the big metropolises that are indispensable here. This is why we are encouraging them specifically to apply for the Theaterpreis des Bundes.

Claudia Roth, Minister of State for Culture and the Media

With the Theaterpreis des Bundes, the federal government honors the diversity of theater creation as one of the fundamental pillars of cultural life in Germany, especially as a place for societal reflection, social encounters and artistic innovation.

City theaters and federal state stages, private theaters and guest performance venues as well as production houses of the independent performing arts in the Federal Republic of Germany can apply for this innovation prize, which has been realigned since last year. The prize honors mid-sized and smaller theater house structures, especially beyond the theater metropolises, and their nationally remarkable work in the past years.

The Theaterpreis is awarded to an outstanding program that is characterized by a convincing aesthetic/artistic further development in contemporary questions of (urban) society, multi-perspective audiences, ecological and social sensitivity and/or technological/digital innovations. The specific structural, financial and, if applicable, socio-spatial situation will also be taken into account when awarding the prize.

As established in 2023, the State Minister will confer one award, each respectively endowed with 100,000 euro, in the categories city theaters & federal state stages, private theaters & guest performance venues and independent production houses, as well as – throughout all three categories – the Theaterpreis des Bundes, which is endowed with 200,000 euro.

Prize gala & symposium in Berlin

The award ceremony will take place on 2 October 2024 as part of an artistic program at the Haus der Berliner Festspiele. Further information on the program and this year's award winners will be announced in September 2024.

On the day of the award ceremony, the Zentrum Bundesrepublik Deutschland des Internationalen Theaterinstituts e.V. (ITI) will host a symposium during the day entitled "Pleasures & Politics of Autonomy - Theater between Resistance and Responsibility" at the Haus der Berliner Festspiele. Registration for the symposium is now open.

The 2024 Theaterpreis des Bundes is endowed with €200,000 and recognizes nationally remarkable and exemplary innovative work. This main prize is awarded once in total and across all three application categories. In addition, an award of €100,000 will be presented in each application category.

The overall jury decides on the award of the main prize across all categories. The jury for the individual prizes in the categories is composed as follows:

Kategorie 1: Stadttheater und Landesbühnen

Kategorie 2: Privattheater und Gastspielhäuser

Kategorie 3: Freie Produktionshäuser

The Theaterpreis des Bundes is awarded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media. The project sponsor is the Fonds Darstellende Künste e.V. in cooperation with Zentrum Bundesrepublik Deutschland des Internationalen Theaterinstituts e.V. (ITI).